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JOB ID 47902
Chief Executive Officer




Manufacturing(Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Food), Trading


100,000-350,000 ฿

jobCategoryJob Category

Director, General Manager, Plant Manager/Factory Manager, Other(Management)


• Determine vision, mission, strategy, operating master plan, budget, goals and policies in business operations.
• Supervise the performance of the management's duties in accordance with the work plan, budget, goals, and policies in business operations.
• Oversee the overall management of finance, marketing, production, human resources, risks, internal control systems. and other operations of the Company with responsibility, caution and honesty for the Company's best interests.
• Supervise the management to participate in creating an ethical corporate culture. and good corporate governance
• Follow up on the performance measurement of the company and its subsidiaries by requiring that the operating results be reported regularly. as well as to supervise the preparation of financial reports and disclosures of important information that are accurate, adequate and in accordance with relevant rules and practices;
• Determine rules, regulations, guidelines, requirements for the organizational structure.
• Issue regulations, rules, announcements within the company for operation to comply with the policy and benefit the company as well as maintaining beautiful regulations within the organization
• Representing the Company in communicating with shareholders and supporting the Board of Directors in managing to have appropriate communication channels with stakeholders. as well as provide a standardized and transparent disclosure of information
• Build a network of relationships and good corporate image at both national and international levels.
• Operate in accordance with the rules, regulations, regulations and laws related to listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
• Follow up and check and solve operational problems in various steps. to continue until the goal is achieved.
• Perform other tasks as assigned by the Board of Directors.


• Male or female, age 35 years and over
• Bachelor's degree in the field related to the company's business
• Not having any prohibited qualifications under the Public Limited Company Act and the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535
• Never been punished for expulsion, dismissal or discharge from government service or government organization or agency or private agencies because of dishonesty
• Not being a political official, a member of the House of Representatives, a senator Members of local councils or local administrators
• Not holding any position in any political party or officials of political parties
• Not or has never been a bankrupt person, or was or has been subject to absolute receivership under bankruptcy law. or not being ordered by the court to be incompetent or a virtual incompetent person
• Never been sentenced to a final sentence of imprisonment Whether or not the court has a judgment to suspend the sentence except for an offense committed through negligence or a petty offence, or if the punishment has been lapsed or the suspension period has been exceeded for more than 5 years;
• Never have to judge or an order of the court that the property shall be vested in the state because of unusual wealth or has an unusual increase in assets
• Never have to be sentenced to a final judgment or being fined due to an offense relating to property committed dishonestly Offenses related to anti-corruption laws Anti-Money Laundering Law or other similar laws
• Able to work for the company full time and must not have conflicts of interest with the Company's business
Working Day: Monday - Saturday 08.00 – 17.00

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Sales Manager (Solar)

40,000-50,000 (THB)




Manufacturing(Electrical, Precision)

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40,000-70,000 (THB)



