Pasona 360 Assessment is a multisource assessment that reflexes an individual performance through their supervisor, subordinate, colleague, external stakeholders, client, vendor, and themselves point of view.

The organization can use the data to enhance employee effectiveness and organizational engagement as well as create a development plan to uplift employee performance. Our clients can customize their competency in the Pasona 360 assessment without limitation.

This system could reduce the deviation result from the assessor bias and having an insular attitude. Moreover, it provides a broader perspective on employees performance. To apply this system to your organization, it requires a professional consultant who has a strong experience in creating a questionnaire that suitable for every position and training users to implement the system correctly.




Conducting performance management requires communication between employer and employee to set a goal and working process to meet the company's expectations. It is a process that drives the company forward along as develops employee efficiency by training, developing, and evaluating.

Pasona 360-Degree Assessment is a multisource assessment that reflects an individual performance through their supervisor, subordinate, colleague, external stakeholders, client, vendor, and self. The organization can use the data to enhance employee effectiveness and organizational engagement as well as create a development plan to uplift employee performance. Furthermore, you can customize the Pasona 360-degree Assessment to meet your needs.

This system could reduce the assessor bias in evaluating. Moreover, it provides a broader perspective on employees' performance. Applying this system to your organization requires a professional consultant who has strong experience in creating a questionnaire that is suitable for every position and training users to implement the system accurately.

Identify Development Opportunities

Identify Development Opportunities

By capturing the strengths and areas of development, the management can set the employee development plan effectively.

Identify the Talents

Identify the Talents

The 360-degree assessment result shows competency scores that have an impact on the organization and also strengthen your organization's culture and values

Enhance Employees' Self-Awareness

Enhance Employees' Self-Awareness

The employee can compare self-ratings to the peer group ratings to help identify potential “blind spots” or areas that need to develop.

Lower turnover rate

Lower Turnover Rate

The research found that managers who received positive 360-degree feedback had lower turnover and higher service quality in their teams.

Creating an Open-minded Organizational Culture

Creating an Open-minded Organizational Culture

Employees can communicate what they like or dislike about their co-workers. Also, they can share about good points and what to improve.

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